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Work Dress Code


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Hi All,

Sorry about the silly question but, in general, do the working business class (IT) dress more or less the same in Oz as here in ZA?



Edited by Marius and Carin
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Hi All,

Sorry about the silly question but, in general, do the working business class (IT) dress more or less the same in Oz as here in ZA?



It depends on the company. All the ones that I went to interviews with in Melbourne and Perth were decent (work/suit) pants and shirt with a collar for the males, and decent skirt/dress/pants and blouse for the females. I wore a decent shirt with a collar, tie and black suit-pants and decent shoes. It was so hot that not everyone was actually wearing a jacket/blazer (though one saw more of these on the street, as executives moved back and forth). Nowhere did I see anyone wearing jeans/tshirt/slops at these companies (IT software development shops), tho it some of the more technical places the guys weren't wearing ties, but simple short-sleeved open-necked shirts and chinos.

My advice, especially if doing interviews, wear a decent shirt, slacks, shoes and a tie. You can always take the tie off, and roll up the sleeves, and dress it down a bit if you need to. It's hard to dress up a tshirt and shorts with slops ("thongs" they call them). It also makes it look like you're taking the people and potential job seriously. Just see what the other people are wearing, and when you get the job, wear what they do :whome:

HTH :whome:

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First impressions always count!


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