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Perth Crime - Truth ????

Almost Aussie

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Now tell me honestly in how many capital cities can you leave a mobile phone in a terminal building and get it retrieved 30 minutes later?

Not in the capital city of California, Sacramento you cant


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  • 2 months later...
ok, so I haven't lived in the big dangerous cities, but from my experience Perth is no different to where I stayed in RSA. There seems to be just as much theft, murders, armed roberies, hijackings, in fact maybe even more here in Perth than what I was used to.

What???? Which Perth are you living in??? I have been here for 6 months and have not heard of any armed robberies, hijackings or murders! There was one story that I saw of a deranged guy that raped his elderly neighbour, but that's the only rape story I have seen! I don't know what channels you are watching or the papers you are getting, but it is not the Perth that I know! More than SA .... what the heck?? :blush:

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i did a search online the other day - looking for crime stats in Aus - out of interest.

In 2006 there were about 18 500 murders in SA. (1500 less than in Iraq that year - which is at war).

In 2006 there were about 800 in Australia

People are rejoicing that RAPE stats are down to 54 926/year. That is 154 rapes PER DAY.

That's all I'm saying...

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I'm the originator of this topic when I was still in SA. We've been here in Perth since 2nd March and never once felt threatened. I cab leave garage door open during the day and my kids run all over the place. I took the advice on the forum and rent a house north of the river. Whenever there’s a crime situation it’s more often than not happened in the south and their crime stats suggests exactly that.

True, we do have crime but I can live with it as it’s mostly petty crime. No one gets killed or bashed. I do however feel slightly uncomfortable with the amount of Chinese in the city but I also have never seen any of them involved in crime. Just my opinion!

The Aussies do however have a problem with their youth…

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The youngsters are rude and obnoxious with no manners, but from recent experience of certain South African youngesters , I think its a world wide trend.

There are a fair amount of "hoons" that like doing burnouts , but then again someone posted that a certain South African Adults also like doing burnouts ....so who is to say.

So where ever you go you will find a S.N.E.R.T - Snotty-Nosed-Egotistical-Rude-Teenager

and W.O.M.B.A.T. - Waste of Money Time and Brains

I dont think Perths problems come anywhere near the problems in South Africa, certainly there is crime - show me a town/city that does not have crime

Certainly, the youth misbehaved, show a country that has the "perfect" youth

Certainly, there are drugs , show me a country in todays day and age that does not.

Australia is not paradise , but certainly comes as close as you are going to get anywhere....

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I agree 100% about the youth problems.

I was thinking the other day, that this is about as close as I would probably get to a peacefull and respectfull life in the world. Not pefect but as you say, but where in the world is it? I know NZ has less crime but even the NZ's I've met in Perth said that they won't go back to that horable weather. I also believe oppertunities in NZ are less, depending your occupation.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i did a search online the other day - looking for crime stats in Aus - out of interest.

In 2006 there were about 18 500 murders in SA. (1500 less than in Iraq that year - which is at war).

In 2006 there were about 800 in Australia

People are rejoicing that RAPE stats are down to 54 926/year. That is 154 rapes PER DAY.

That's all I'm saying...

319 Murders in Australia in 2006. I t was slightly up that year. Still way less than SA. Have a look at this: http://au.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGkujxwjJIF...igures_2007.pdf

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