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Hi there,

hmm overseas, well yes... but not for extended periods of time.

Obviously done the usual Namibia, Swaziland and Botswana trips, but those don't really count.

Been on a business trip to Switzerland, Germany and Austria in 2003.

Came on a LSD to Perth in Nov last year - and most of the issues we identified, we were led to believe were not a problem - whereas had I found this forum before I came I would have seen some of them were indeed valid issues, and could have queried the rest - and hence been better prepared.

I also went to the UK and Sierra Leone in Feb this year.

We've moved around RSA quite a bit (from Natal, to Stellenbosch, to Kleinzee, to Cullinan, to Kimberley, to Tableview), and my wife also lived in the states for a few years when she was at school, but together this is the first time we've actually changed our country of residence.

Basically we weren't prepared enough.

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Hi Overtaker

Firstly a very warm welcome to Australia, Perth in particular and more importantly the northern reaches of Perth, I am sorry it does not seem to be working out for you so far and hopefully its a case of your vision being blurred

Immigrating certainly is not for sissies its really tough epecially when you get hit by the unexpected I must say having grown up in Joburg, and having lived in Sydney as well, give me slow or backward anytime call perth dullsville if you like I think it is the greates city in Australia

I must add a few comments

1. Chris Rimmer, not sure where you hung out that everyone had beatle haicuts makes me wonder however I note with interest you have made Malbourne you home you are of course aware of the fact that Victorians are living proof that Tasmanians can swim ......... enough said.

2. Springbok - Perth has not caught up to Sydney, mate it has ovetaken you guys and left you coughing in its dust you need to wipe that dust put of your eyes and have a good look.

On a more serious note, what kayaking do you do? Have you been to Mindarie the harbour is a great place to paddle.

I really hope you sort your PR out as soon as possible and that life becomes much more bearable, have you considered taking the train to work, it is a really pleasant ride from Clarkson to city.

And being in mining and working in city but commuting 1 hr to work is far nicer than fly in fly out.

You are more than welcome to PM me if you would like to chat or if I can be of any assistance.

all the best


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Overtaker

Gosh - you got it from all angles - best of luck - I am sure you will settle - whether you decide to move areas or not - as for the schooling - dont worry about it - they will still get an education and hopefully go of to Uni and get a degree that is recognised world wide...Mine are all finishing up this year and even though I had my doubts in the beginning, I have two still at Uni and one last year of high school and they seem to be ok..so dont stress about the level of education - mine have always been incredibly good at maths - that comes from the Freestate days... My daughter has just done a year Rotary exchange in America and guess what - she was streaks ahead of them in Maths, English and computers - so they must be doing something right at sometime during their final years - if that gives you any concillation.

I hope you settle more - if you are really hating it - then like everyone says - change to another state maybe..



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Guest Bronwyn

Hey Overtaker.

I hear you. B) It's a big culture shock. I wasn't expecting it either. I hope you feel better soon, :whome:

I wanted to say - Don't tell the Aussies you have an Au Pair. Firstly, they don't believe you don't qualify for childcare rebates on a Temp Visa. They assume everyone qualifies. They find it hard to believe you don't. I got into a heated 'discussion' with my kid's OSCH Centre about it...They will assume you are being a snob and a Tall Poppy and slowly but surely cut you off. I fully get why you have an Au Pair. Just save yourself the hassle and don't mention it unless you want some strange reactions.

That's just my opinion.


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