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Contributory Parent 143 Visa Support group


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Medicals, police certificate & form 80 issued 5/12. 


Australia Police certificate completed on the 28/11 - not sure if I get notified of its issue to immigration as it is all completed online. 


Everything crossed  for all of us :) to have notification for payment and approval before Christmas xx 

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On 12/5/2017 at 1:54 PM, DGT said:

Well done  @Marchhawker. I am holding thumbs that you will helped before Xmas.


Thanks @DGT 


Did anyone receive confirmation that the forms have been received by immigration, or is it silence until contact for payment? 



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On 21/11/2017 at 1:41 PM, Dirkz said:
3 hours ago, DGT said:

I am also on 7 weeks now with AOS.


It has been 3 weeks since my son handed in our AoS. We received an email from the case officer this morning saying the following:


I confirm with you that we are now awaiting on the Assurance of Support – letter of acceptance. As this requirement has already been actioned and pending on the completion from Centrelink, no formal extension of time is necessary, however we ask that you please scan and email the letter of acceptance to pvc.team1@border.gov.au once received.


Oh my goodness everybody it's  getting closer! @DGT @Elna57 @Marchhawker have you got this.... and who knows how much longer it wiĺl take for the visa to be issued... I'm so tired of waiting!!


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Just hang in there roomies who are waiting for your AOS to get accepted.

As I've said numerous times before, Centrelink's AOS Dept is pretty overloaded and it might take some time to get that Acceptance Letter from their AOS Department. In our case it took almost 16 weeks!. But hopefully your's will be sooner. 

Once you've sent that AOS Acceptance Letter to PVC Team1 (by email) and you are in contact with your Case Officer, your 2nd VAC will be requested and as soon as they have received it, it takes anything between 1 and 3 days to get the visa.

Just a note: AOS sends a batch of Accepted AOS to PVC once a week. So even if you don't get that Acceptance Letter, PVC will receive it in any case.

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30 minutes ago, Dirkz said:

Just hang in there roomies who are waiting for your AOS to get accepted.

As I've said numerous times before, Centrelink's AOS Dept is pretty overloaded and it might take some time to get that Acceptance Letter from their AOS Department. In our case it took almost 16 weeks!. But hopefully your's will be sooner. 

Once you've sent that AOS Acceptance Letter to PVC Team1 (by email) and you are in contact with your Case Officer, your 2nd VAC will be requested and as soon as they have received it, it takes anything between 1 and 3 days to get the visa.

Just a note: AOS sends a batch of Accepted AOS to PVC once a week. So even if you don't get that Acceptance Letter, PVC will receive it in any case.


Thanks @Dirkz


My son in Law (SIL) submitted the application to CentreLink on 13 Oct 2017.All his documents ,payslips etc etc. were given to them at the time. He was told that someone from Centrelink would phone him to have an interview. This has not happened yet. He also went back a few weeks ago and they could see on the computer that his application was definitely submitted.


Do you think that the interview will still take place?...Is it the norm that everyone waits for an interview and then waits again for a few weeks, before he is notified about the outcome ?(I am not complaining, I just wish to clarify what happened with all our predecessors)


What is it that they will still want to discuss ,that was not discussed at the first meeting at Centrelink? He was told that he will be required to Establish a Bank Guarantee of AUD 14 000 with CommBank etc. once his application is approved.

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3 hours ago, Elza said:

It has been 3 weeks since my son handed in our AoS. We received an email from the case officer this morning saying the following:


I confirm with you that we are now awaiting on the Assurance of Support – letter of acceptance. As this requirement has already been actioned and pending on the completion from Centrelink, no formal extension of time is necessary, however we ask that you please scan and email the letter of acceptance to pvc.team1@border.gov.au once received.


Oh my goodness everybody it's  getting closer! @DGT @Elna57 @Marchhawker have you got this.... and who knows how much longer it wiĺl take for the visa to be issued... I'm so tired of waiting!!





This is good news for you.It looks to me as if your CO is now looking after you.

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@Elza I agree with DGT, it seems that you now have a Case Officer who is handling your specific case. We had the same wording about the formal extension not necessary if we don't supply all the requested documents within 28 days after they asked for it. 

Preparation of documents email comes from PVC. In that letter they say that the next contact you'll get from them will be your CO requesting the documents (if you haven't supplied it yet) and then you have 28 days to supply them otherwise your case will be decided without the documents. You are allowed at that stage to apply for extension of the 28 days to complete the last request (PCC, Medicals & AOS).

This obviously includes the AOS. They know the AOS takes longer than 28 days so that's why the CO said you don't have to apply for extension to supply the AOS as requested (within 28 days).


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As far as the AOS goes, my son, who is our insurer, got the exact same answer from Centrelink. They said they'd phone him shortly for the telephonic interview after he gave them all the documents they required when lodging the application for AOS. That is the procedure.

After he submitted all his documents as Insurer, they have to go through all of it and check his background and relative info. Then they phone him to inform him that he qualifies and ask him to confirm verbally over the phone that he is prepared to stand as insurer for you. 

After that he still has to wait for the confirmation letter from Centrelink that he must take to Commonwealth Bank to do the $14 000 AOS bond. On that letter will be all the instructions and codes that the bank must use to register the bond. Then he must take that bank guarantee letter back to Centrelink for them to file on their system and forward it to their AOS Department who will eventually send you (or your agent) the AOS Acceptance Letter.

One note here:

When the bank gave my son the AOS bond letter (Proof of Payment) which he took back to Centrelink to proof that the bond has been done, the lady at the bank had made a spelling error on that Proof of Bond Letter which he only saw after giving it to Centrelink. So when Centrelink contacted him that there was an error, he had to go back to the bank, get a new Proof of Payment letter and take it back to Centrelink. They had already put it on their system but could then correct it on the system. So tell your assurer to double check that letter from the bank and make sure your names are spelled correctly and that all Reference Numbers are correct.  

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20 minutes ago, Dirkz said:


As far as the AOS goes, my son, who is our insurer, got the exact same answer from Centrelink. They said they'd phone him shortly for the telephonic interview after he gave them all the documents they required when lodging the application for AOS. That is the procedure.

After he submitted all his documents as Insurer, they have to go through all of it and check his background and relative info. Then they phone him to inform him that he qualifies and ask him to confirm verbally over the phone that he is prepared to stand as insurer for you. 

After that he still has to wait for the confirmation letter from Centrelink that he must take to Commonwealth Bank to do the $14 000 AOS bond.




Thanks very much, once again, for your help.It is very valuable to us.


" Then they phone him to inform him that he qualifies and ask him to confirm verbally over the phone that he is prepared to stand as insurer for you. "


Does it take long before we receive that first phone call  ?


Or is it the long wait after that call?


My insurer has not had any call yet since 13 Oct .


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4 hours ago, Dirkz said:

@Elza I agree with DGT, it seems that you now have a Case Officer who is handling your specific case. We had the same wording about the formal extension not necessary if we don't supply all the requested documents within 28 days after they asked for it. 

Preparation of documents email comes from PVC. In that letter they say that the next contact you'll get from them will be your CO requesting the documents (if you haven't supplied it yet) and then you have 28 days to supply them otherwise your case will be decided without the documents. You are allowed at that stage to apply for extension of the 28 days to complete the last request (PCC, Medicals & AOS).

This obviously includes the AOS. They know the AOS takes longer than 28 days so that's why the CO said you don't have to apply for extension to supply the AOS as requested (within 28 days).


Hi @Dirkz thanks for the information... in my case everything is in, medical police clearance and the form 929 for change of agent. They have confirmed acceptance of the docs. The only thing I guess now is the telephone call interview! Not sure if this has happened yet? Next week my 28 days are up,  I'm  thinking that they could possibly only start checking after the 28 days, it would be unfair to start before just in case a person is outstanding any docs as they give them 28 days to submit everything. I'll  find out from my son today if the call has happened. The end of this email shows the case officer name and a case officer number... 

For me it's  a bit frustrating not knowing...... one naturally starts asking all these .... what if....? questions..... at least I can guess I'll  still be here over  the Christmas and New Year period, but would really like to be there by February..........

And the waiting continues.......

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@Elza Please will you let us know whether your son has had the Telephone call from Cenrelink yet?

If so,

What was the call about?


and how long after submitting the docs at Cenrelink did they call him.


Also ,very important for me is:

Did they call HIM directly or did they contact your agent first  to advise them that they will call him....?


Your answers will really help me a lot.




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44 minutes ago, DGT said:

@Elza Please will you let us know whether your son has had the Telephone call from Cenrelink yet?

If so,

What was the call about?


and how long after submitting the docs at Cenrelink did they call him.


Also ,very important for me is:

Did they call HIM directly or did they contact your agent first  to advise them that they will call him....?


Your answers will really help me a lot.




@DGT just made contact with my son.

So, on the day he was handing in all the AoS doc, at that exact time he received an sms asking him to submit his doc. So after receiving the email yesterday he decided to go to centre link, refer to the sms and ask if he had infact submitted all the doc correctly etc.etc. He delt in person with a lovely Irish lady who checked everything in the docs and on the system, my son saw everything as she was checking. One document was missing a signature so luckly they were able to get the signature in place with the hour. So for us as of this morning all the doc are definitely in order... I  will let you know when  the telephonic interview takes place....

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So helpful having everyone here to share their experiences. 


It doesn't look like it is going to move today! Still on the 5th March 2015. 

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5 hours ago, DGT said:




Thanks very much, once again, for your help.It is very valuable to us.


" Then they phone him to inform him that he qualifies and ask him to confirm verbally over the phone that he is prepared to stand as insurer for you. "


Does it take long before we receive that first phone call  ?


Or is it the long wait after that call?


My insurer has not had any call yet since 13 Oct .



I had to search for my timeline info I kept somewhere to answer your question. 

It seems that he started the AOS on 21 April 2017 and received the interview call from Centrelink on 5 July 2017.

According to my son the interview was just a formal questions and answer conversation to make sure he knows what it entails to stand as an insurer. No tricky questions. Just a confirmation really.

After the call it takes about a week for him to receive the letter which he must take to Comm bank to do the bond.

Then after he has taken the Proof of Payment of the bond back to Centrelink, your AOS is finally on its way to be Accepted. This last stage can take a few weeks.....before you get your AOS Acceptance Letter.

To sum it up: My son got the interview phone call of 5 July. On 12 July he was requested by email to go and do the bank guarantee (bond) and take it back to Centrelink within 14 days. All was completed and the bank guarantee handed in by 17 July. 

Then after completion of the AOS on 17 July, he only received the AOS Acceptance Letter on 22 August 2017 which was the last requirement we needed before we could be requested to pay the 2nd VAC and getting the visa. 

Edited by Dirkz
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59 minutes ago, Elza said:

@DGT just made contact with my son.

So, on the day he was handing in all the AoS doc, at that exact time he received an sms asking him to submit his doc. So after receiving the email yesterday he decided to go to centre link, refer to the sms and ask if he had infact submitted all the doc correctly etc.etc. He delt in person with a lovely Irish lady who checked everything in the docs and on the system, my son saw everything as she was checking. One document was missing a signature so luckly they were able to get the signature in place with the hour. So for us as of this morning all the doc are definitely in order... I  will let you know when  the telephonic interview takes place....


Elza, it seems that you also had a small hiccup/delay with your AOS application (missing a signature). But as in our case, the Irish lady who helped your son was very helpful and sorted it out. Now you are also in the period of waiting for that telephone call from Centrelink. 


Although PVC advises that your insurer should not contact Centrelink after submitting the AOS Application, I've found that the people at Centrelink are generally very helpful. So if you suspect that there might be anything amiss, your assurer can go to Centrelink and enquire with your case number and details. They then just log into the AOS system and check for you.

Edited by Dirkz
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1 hour ago, Dirkz said:


I had to search for my timeline info I kept somewhere to answer your question. 

It seems that he started the AOS on 21 April 2017 and received the interview call from Centrelink on 5 July 2017.

According to my son the interview was just a formal questions and answer conversation to make sure he knows what it entails to stand as an insurer. No tricky questions. Just a confirmation really.

After the call it takes about a week for him to receive the letter which he must take to Comm bank to do the bond.

Then after he has taken the Proof of Payment of the bond back to Centrelink, your AOS is finally on its way to be Accepted. This last stage can take a few weeks.....before you get your AOS Acceptance Letter.

To sum it up: My son got the interview phone call of 5 July. On 12 July he was requested by email to go and do the bank guarantee (bond) and take it back to Centrelink within 14 days. All was completed and the bank guarantee handed in by 17 July. 

Then after completion of the AOS on 17 July, he only received the AOS Acceptance Letter on 22 August 2017 which was the last requirement we needed before we could be requested to pay the 2nd VAC and getting the visa. 




This is really very helpful.Thank you for going to so much trouble.

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2 hours ago, Elza said:

@DGT just made contact with my son.

So, on the day he was handing in all the AoS doc, at that exact time he received an sms asking him to submit his doc. So after receiving the email yesterday he decided to go to centre link, refer to the sms and ask if he had infact submitted all the doc correctly etc.etc. He delt in person with a lovely Irish lady who checked everything in the docs and on the system, my son saw everything as she was checking. One document was missing a signature so luckly they were able to get the signature in place with the hour. So for us as of this morning all the doc are definitely in order... I  will let you know when  the telephonic interview takes place....




Ok so we Know that its the magic phone call/interview we all so badly need !Thanks so much for the effort.

I will tell my son to check the letter for any mistakes. Good Tip Thanks to you and @Dirkz

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On 12/1/2017 at 3:32 PM, TinaH said:

@Elna57 ~ what are additional documents that the immigration requested beside these below.


* Form 80

* Police Check

* Medical


No other docs than those mentioned above. We had to submit Change of Address though and will have to do it again.

We are now leading a very nomadic lifestyle and things seem to just happen to us without us being in control but we have faith in our Captain, that He knows what is best for us and has a plan for us. This is keeping us on the run and very fit. :lol:  


Yes, I went through all the notes from @Dirkz and @Orphan notes and the AOS has to be done through Commonwealth Bank.

The 2nd VAC can be done through any bank,  the exact details of how and what codes and details need to be included will all be supplied with the request to pay the second VAC.


Thank you so much for still helping us so much with advice and support. :yourock:


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