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8 hours ago, Nannandbaz said:

@Elza and @Elna57........feeling for you both...sending you blessings !!!

Thank you so much for your suppport. Every time I think that I have the finishing line in sight, they move it further away. :lol:

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@Elna57 don't stress buddy! By the end of next week I'm telling you we would have received our letters and we'll be  flying into hysteria  mode!!!! My personal favorite date is 9th November!!!!!!!!....................... if not perhaps I'll start drinking alcohol again to ease the stress!


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Hi All

Can someone enlighten me on the visa processing date issue.


When DIBP say that " we are  currently assessing applications lodged up to including dd / mm / yyyy  --- what are they referring to? Is that the date the Visas are issued or is that the date the CO is assigned to your file or is the date that  they would have contacted you to provide Meds / PCC etc ?

Because the other statement  " When your application is allocated to an assessing officer ----- "  is also confusing - 

If it takes + - 4/5 months from date of request of Meds etc and AOS to be sorted to get a visa and if DIBP is saying that it is taking 36/38 months for the 143 visa to be issued then one should be contacted in the 31st / 32nd month after your lodgement date. 

Please comment.   

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@JTN you ask good questions.....  


I have not heard anything yet, however:

My lodgement date is 10 Feb, the last auto reply said busy with 12 Feb...... 

On the 10th November  my lodgement  was done 33 months ago.....

The time it takes currently  is 

143 Contributory Parent (Migrant)   36 Months 38 Months


So apparently I still have 3 to 5 months to wait.....

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I believe the date is the auto reply email is the "we are contacting people up to and including the 12th Feb" to get paperwork ready. Meaning (with everything crossed) Elza should hear from immigration before the next update! 

Thats what looked like happen with Melbourne3000. 


The CO or case officer is the person you deal with when immigration requested the final payment.


i have everything crossed for you Elza, I really believe it could be with the next day or two 






Edited by Marchhawker
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I tend to agree with Marchhawker.

The assessment actually starts when you get contacted to provide the last information. And that is probably the date on the auto reply email from DIBP.

When you get correspondence from PVC, you'll notice that the officer sending the email has a Position Number at the bottom go the email. That person does not seem to be the same until you receive your Case Officer in which case that Position Number indicates that now you have your CO attending to your case. In our case she also gave her name at the end and we could correspond more personally.

Holding thumbs Elza (and Elna57) - waiting for the good news 

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Thank you Marchhawker and Dirkz - makes some sense now.

Ok, ladies - please get a move along the queue - holding thumbs for you both ( and all others ).

Best wishes to all

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i received auto generated email about three weeks to do medical, and start AOS

after three weeks i got another email from actual CO. askimg all other bunch off documents in 28 days.

everything submitted, now waiting again for 88k payment. haha

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On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 5:53 PM, Elza said:

hello everyone... My son call the Agent doing my visa today and asked about the process.  I have discovered something about the dates.  I have two dates they are always referring to:

1) Application Lodgement Date 10 February 2015

2) Acknowledgement letter Date 25 March 2015


The person who lodged my application has since left and another person has taken over, who is always referring to the acknowledgment date.  My son and i have spoken and both came to the agreement, surely it does not matter if the agent has the dates confused, this should not affect or change the lodgement date.  It's nerve racking and worries me a bit, my son is sending the agent let acknowledgement letter, which he actually should already have to try clear up the date situation... So in relation to the other person/s who's application are happening now, perhaps they were given/ looking at the acknowledgement date, March/April in error and not the lodgement date which would have been February, which then does make sense ..... Just a thought!  


So anyway, the following was the replying email we received from the agent (note the date of lodgement he has used): 


Thanks for your call today.


1.       I confirm allocation should be soon, Parent section are allocating up to and including 13 January 2015 , Elza’s application was lodged 25 March 2015;

2.       Just prior to allocation, the assessing officer will request completion of the below to assist with streamlining of the application

              a) assurance of support from you – a letter from DIBP will accompany the request as to how to complete this process;

              B)Police clearance(s) – I don’t think it is too early to start this process, Elza needs to provide a police clearance for any country she has lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10

                  years, is this only South Africa ?  Please see the following link:   http://www.border.gov.au/Locations/Pages/Police-Check/south-africa.aspx

             c) Medical - The medical referral is generated by the DIBP and will be sent to us and we will forward to you and booking can be made with one of the appointed panel doctors.

                 Results are automatically uploaded for determination by the medical officer of the Commonwealth and provided to the assessing officer; and

             d) Form 80 – Character – we will start preparing this form on allocation of the case and send to Elza for review and signature  

3.       Once the case is actually allocated, the assessing officer will request any further requirements, if necessary. Please note the medical and police clearances are valid for 12 months.


Hope the above assist and I will be in touch as soon as we receive pre-allocation correspondence.


i will keep you all posted on what happens in the coming days.  I am going to apply for the police clearance tomorrow and will update you all on the experience, how much it cost, the process and time lines....


Thanks again guys!!! It really does make a difference to be able to share my stuff with people who understand, can share advice and their experiences..... I have been feeling so alone in my little frustrated journey that's changing my whole life!!!!


Have a great evening everyone!!!!!



@Elza  I have been watching your situation with some concern.


Just a thought. It appears from the correspondence that your Son received from your new contact at your Migration agents office that your date is 25 March 2015.

Did your agent send you the actual Acknowledgement letter stating on page three under the heading "Visa Application Summary"  ..... APPLICATION LODGEMENT  DATE  ...........?


Please let us know whether you saw the actual letter.


If your agent is wrong and your date is 10 Feb 2015 then I am concerned about the fact that you have not been contacted yet.

To the best of my knowledge most (if not all) applicants were contacted between 1  and 3 Months before their  assessment date .

This is how I understand the process....

The first contact is made  by someone that requests the various documents and actions from you. Once he has all the required info he hands it over to a CO (Case officer) who will assess your application and perhaps request further info from you. So the date that appears on their automated email is the dates that they are Assessing. They will have contacted the applicants quite some time before that date. The actual Granting of the Visa can take some time after the CO starts his assessing process. 


My humble advise is.

1) Request an urgent copy of your Acknowledgement Letter from your agent if you don't have a copy. Or check the Lodgment date if you do have the letter.

2)If your Lodgment  date is in fact 10 February 2015 then you need to notify your agent that she is wrong about the date and that she should check her emails for any possible  "lost" communication from PAC. PAC actually warns us that we are to check our junk mail folder as it does sometimes happen that their mail ends up there.

My own acknowledgement Letter got lost among emails in my agents office for months.!! It happens.

3)If you have not yet completed Form80 , Please do so as soon as you can, as you really don't want to do it under pressure from PAC after they contact you. They definitely require Form 80.

4) Please do not get upset or anxious about my comments/concerns. Either way it will not be long before your action will start. Just at least make sure that there is no correspondence  hanging around in someone's Junk mail folder.






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1 hour ago, DGT said:



My humble advise is.

1) Request an urgent copy of your Acknowledgement Letter from your agent if you don't have a copy. Or check the Lodgment date if you do have the letter.

2)If your Lodgment  date is in fact 10 February 2015 then you need to notify your agent that she is wrong about the date and that she should check her emails for any possible  "lost" communication from PAC. PAC actually warns us that we are to check our junk mail folder as it does sometimes happen that their mail ends up there.

My own acknowledgement Letter got lost among emails in my agents office for months.!! It happens.

3)If you have not yet completed Form80 , Please do so as soon as you can, as you really don't want to do it under pressure from PAC after they contact you. They definitely require Form 80.

4) Please do not get upset or anxious about my comments/concerns. Either way it will not be long before your action will start. Just at least make sure that there is no correspondence  hanging around in someone's Junk mail folder.




Okay, here's my answers:


1 I actually have a copy of my acknowledgement letter which is dated on the top left  25 March 2015. On the third page, headed "Visa Application Summary" below visa type it shows  Application Lodgement Date 10 February 2015.

2. My son has already  emailed agent, he did apologize and confirmed that the application was received 25 March 2015 and lodged on 10 February  2015.

3. Yes, right at the start we submitted a completed Form 80.

4. Not upset at your questions at all! Oh yes, I  am constantly checking  my junk mail, my son is an IT kind of a guy so there's no way he will miss it in the junk mail I'm sure of that...


I so really want everything to start now, some days it really is disheartening...... 

I have started my Police Clearance Certificate, should be done by end of next week.  

I have both forms needed for the medical and x-rays. Have filled in what I can. Have the address and contact details of were to go for medical.. Just waiting for the number and the go ahead!  Surely it must happen by the end of next week??

I am really hoping that everything starts  by the end of next week!!


You said, "best of my knowledge most (if not all) applicants were contacted between 1  and 3 Months before their  assessment date ."

what is the my assessment date they way that you see it? What  date should I have been contacted?


Thanks again for caring enough to spend time on my situation to help me out! Totally appreciate it!  Let's hold thumbs and see what next week brings!! 







Edited by Elza
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@Elza I am glad that you have everything in place.


The assessment date is the date that your Case officer (CO) has all the info he needs to Make a decision on your "Case".

So we know that they are presently Assessing  12 Feb 2015 Lodgments.


Your Lodgment date is 10 Feb 2015 and in my view they should have contacted you at least a month ago . That is why I am concerned that DIBP may have sent your Agent the mail with your HAP number and requesting a few other things etc., but that the mail is stuck in your AGENTS junk mail or perhaps was not re- routed to your" new" Agents email address. This actually happened to me and I waited months for the Acknowledgement letter !!



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16 hours ago, JTN said:

Thank you Marchhawker and Dirkz - makes some sense now.

Ok, ladies - please get a move along the queue - holding thumbs for you both ( and all others ).

Best wishes to all

I am trying my very best to move my hindy out of here but no joy yet my roomie. 


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@DGT.... Wow! Said like that can make you worry..... 


So here's  something I think about, if @Elna57 received the call before me then I will react and contact the agent as then there must be something wrong, both our dates are fairly close to each other and I went through an agent, she didn't so to me our processes should work out the same.

I figure, it must happen quiet often that someone else takes over at an agency, because the process time is so long so surely  by now they have a process that is professional and works... Please dear God , let it be so, I'm so at the end of my wits at the moment!!

@Elna57 have you heard anything yet?

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23 minutes ago, Marchhawker said:

Move to the 16th Feb!!! 


Elza you will receive your letter today! ;) positive thinking!! 


I tell you ..... this would be fantastic!! 


I like positive thinking!! I never slept well at all last night just consuming myself with all the "what ifs........??? And now, Man am I tired!


Positive thinking, @Elna57 we will hear today!!


Edited by Elza
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1 hour ago, Elza said:


I tell you ..... this would be fantastic!! 


I like positive thinking!! I never slept well at all last night just consuming myself with all the "what ifs........??? And now, Man am I tired!


Positive thinking, @Elna57 we will hear today!!



It's only 1:20pm in Perth! That is 3hrs and 40mins to get your letter out! Loads of time!! ;) 

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4 hours ago, Elza said:

@DGT.... Wow! Said like that can make you worry..... 


So here's  something I think about, if @Elna57 received the call before me then I will react and contact the agent as then there must be something wrong, both our dates are fairly close to each other and I went through an agent, she didn't so to me our processes should work out the same.

I figure, it must happen quiet often that someone else takes over at an agency, because the process time is so long so surely  by now they have a process that is professional and works... Please dear God , let it be so, I'm so at the end of my wits at the moment!!

@Elna57 have you heard anything yet?




That is a good idea to wait and see what happens with @Elna57.


Yes it is true that the agency should have by now sorted their systems, however a "sorry" afterwards does not really help one.

The last tip I can give is that you look on page one of your Acknowledgement letter. The very first paragraph under the heading: "In reply please quote"  they list Your name and various numbers.

Then the following line :

TRANSMISSION METHOD:  Email sent to : (for example ) Joe@abcmigration.com.au


Just check with your agency whether that particular  Email address is still active and manned at your agency since your first agent left, because that is the email address that PVC will use to contact your agent....unless your agency notified them about a possible change when your first agent left.

@Elza I know that I am a bit over the top, but I am using a very large Agency too. Yet my Acknowledgment letter was actually emailed to my Agent  1 week after submitting it but I eventually ,after many enquiries discovered that there was an email issue at my agent....It lay there with my Agent for approx. 4 Months before they discovered it !


I am really so very sorry if this upsets you. I know exactly what you are going through. There is only so much that one can do and then its all in the hands of PVC.

I do know that this stressful time will pass and you will soon be with your loved ones in an extremely wonderful environment. Believe me it is very definitely worth the effort and MUCH, MUCH MORE.!!!:)

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Hey Roomies. So.... my last night in our house where we brought our only child up was hectic for me.  I was completely overwhelmed .Sat on the kitchen floor drowning my sorrows and just remembering all the puppies, the guinea pigs, chicken, kitty cats ,hamsters and even a chicken that left their footprints here. Then, all the little boys.... first all innocent with their computers and (in those days) with their computers and network cables running through my whole house to the Hub. The cooking for and cleaning up after those little boys. Later, those turned into driving to clubs and sitting outside clubs waiting for the little rebels with their fake ID's at clubs in a car full of buckets and plastic bags in anticipation of the after effects of clubbing to kick in. :lol::lol:

When they turned 18, they did not want to go to clubs anymore (not so much fun when it is legal to do so) , the LANs became fewer and fewer and the girlfriends more and more.

Oh man, it was some trip I was on. My mind just went wild remembering stuff. But, all in all, it was good. I have been so blessed with so many good memories and so few bad ones.

I sometimes still meet those little dudes in the mall and still stay in touch with some on whatsapp and hangouts. Those kids have been keeping me alive whilst my boy is in Aus enjoying his new wonderful life of freedom. 

OK. Enough of that. Today is a brand new day. We shall leave all that in the past and focus on the future.

I am waiting for Immi now. This is my reality. Come on guys, I need a visa to get to Aus!! I need to see my child more than once a year. I need to be there for his birthdays, Christmas and special occasions eg. when he attented his citizenship ceremony. Oh how I wish that I were there!

@Elza I am praying so hard for us buddy. I hope they haven't misplaced all the February 2015 files somehow. :blink:

I am waiting and watching for any news from you. Come on buddy, move your hindy. I need to take up your seat now. If you don't , I am going to shove you off your chair. :D


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43 minutes ago, DGT said:

The last tip I can give is that you look on page one of your Acknowledgement letter. The very first paragraph under the heading: "In reply please quote"  they list Your name and various numbers.

Then the following line :

TRANSMISSION METHOD:  Email sent to : (for example ) Joe@abcmigration.com.au

@DGT  it seems my letter does not have a TRANSMISSION METHOD:  Email sent to : (for example ) Joe@abcmigration.com.au


AT the top left of my acknowledgement letter is firstly the date, 25 March 2015, then my first agents name and contact physical address, her email then my name followed by the  "In reply please quote"  then all my name, numbers etc. my letter then goes straight into "Dear Ms.............."



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@Elza said  AT the top left of my acknowledgement letter is firstly the date, 25 March 2015, then my first agents name and contact physical address, her email then my name followed by the  "In reply please quote"  then all my name, numbers etc. my letter then goes straight into "Dear Ms.............."


@Elza That's OK .it seems that they just used a slightly different layout.

Just check that "her email" address, as it appears there at the top left, is presently still active and tended to in the Agency.


I looked back at my correspondence with my agent during the time that I was so anxious about not receiving my Acknowledgement letter and I saw that ,on his last query to PVC, he mentioned that his email address had  changed and requested that DIBP make the change to their file.

Needless to say he received the Acknowledgement letter a few days later......to his new email address.

Just for the record it was not 4 months after lodgment as I said above. It was six and a half months!! I was not a happy chappie by then.:angry:


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@Elza @Elna57  thinking of you gals and feeling your anxiety and concerns. All good wishes for a speedy resolution sent your way :ilikeit:

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Update:  automated PVC response to test mail this afternoon



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10 hours ago, Elza said:

@DGT  it seems my letter does not have a TRANSMISSION METHOD:  Email sent to : (for example ) Joe@abcmigration.com.au


AT the top left of my acknowledgement letter is firstly the date, 25 March 2015, then my first agents name and contact physical address, her email then my name followed by the  "In reply please quote"  then all my name, numbers etc. my letter then goes straight into "Dear Ms.............."




My acknowledgement letter doesnt have an email address on the letter but they emailed the acknowledgement letter and payment receipt so must be on file :/ 


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10 hours ago, Marchhawker said:


My acknowledgement letter doesnt have an email address on the letter but they emailed the acknowledgement letter and payment receipt so must be on file :/ 


@Marchhawker That is interesting. Thanks for the info. Are you working through an agent?


The important thing is ,as @Elza also pointed out, that the process takes place over such a long time, that we remember to ensure that our contact "address"  with DIBP is still the one that we provided in our application. Especially if one is using a Migration agent.

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