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On 9/7/2017 at 2:12 PM, Elna57 said:

@Marchhawker. I have compiled a list of people in the queue from various forums and sites. Of course there are some people who applied but are not on the list. but I used everything I could find. According to that list there are 4 people who applied after me and before you whom we KNOW of. Sounds good hey?

@DGT. 7 including Marchhawker in your case. 


sounds fantastic Elna, so happy for everyone really feels like the finish line is in :) sight


its official its moving again.... now on the 10 December 2014!!

Edited by Marchhawker
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KevinLee. Don't get too despondent. This last update was a relatively bad performance, but the period is probably too short to go on.

i.e 46 days to do 15 days = 3.07 Calendar days per 1 day Progressed.


This year ,16 Jan 2017  to 16 Sep 2017 (250 days or 8 Months) They progressed 133 days. Therefore 250/133 = 1.87 Calendar days per 1 day progressed.

Much better than 3.07 !!


For what its worth,at the moment my planning is around the following Stats. :

My own Lodgment date: 20 April 2015, is 131 days from their present possessing date of 10 Dec 2014.

Therefore I estimate my Assessment date to be approx. 131 x  1.87 = 245 Calendar days to go .i.e. around Mid May 2018  and I should hear from PVC around two months prior to that i.e. Mid March 2018.


There is also the issue around the fact that they close for Xmas for approx. 1 Month.... Who knows...this may push out the date....


Then DirkZ,Elna57 and others ,have also ,rightly so, pointed out that there are many other factors effecting the progress.eg the filling up of the Allocation (approx. 7100 pa.)

the time of the year e.g. around June/July (cutoff) etc.


Obviously the closer one gets to one's expected assessment date ,the riskier it gets to rely on these averages.

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Hi Roomies

If ever you need a good reliable courier company to send eg. your application for police clearance to Pta, I have found an excellent service. They collect at your door and deliver to their door. They have a special once off service as well for folks who won't need to use their services often. Very reasonably priced as well. PM me if you ever need their services.

Then, a company in Pta dealing with police clearances.... I recently did for a friend of mine and they got theirs back pretty quick. I had to send our new applications off again since the previous ones will expire in 2 months and I doubt we will have been contacted by Immi by then. (Not that I am not hoping and praying.)

Also PM me if you need details. They charged me more than half the cost I had to pay the previous agency who did it for me.

I will find out whether I am allowed to publish it publicly so we can all benefit from good efficient services.

Have a good week all and chins up!! We WILL get there, sooner or later. 





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I certainly do hope Immi still has a few visas left for this year. We are sooooo close.... I am trying very hard not to get too excited but I think I can almost see a little glimpse of the finishing line. ☺ Being positive.... perhaps it will serve me better.

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Hi Roomies.

I saw an enquiry re Drivers confirmation letter today and thought irt will be a good idea to post it here in case anybody ever needed it. It is an old post so I hope it is still relevant.

November 26
Hi. Here is info of who to contact in SA if you want your drivers license certificate done.
Just email him and then arrange a courier ;(FedEx) to collect. 
No cost to for the certificate. 

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My lodgement date is 25 Feb 2015. Please will you look into your crystal ball and give me an estimated date? (Your calculations) :lol:

It will be great to keep track and watch how good your forecast was.



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2 hours ago, Elna57 said:


My lodgement date is 25 Feb 2015. Please will you look into your crystal ball and give me an estimated date? (Your calculations) :lol:

It will be great to keep track and watch how good your forecast was.





Hi Elna


It would be presumptuous of me to comment on someone else's situation/expectations as if I knew it all. I certainly don't know it all and my reason for posting my own Statistical analysis was hopefully get feedback ,which you and a few others did and for which I am thankful.


Only because you asked, shall I apply the same logic to your specific date.


As I previously said :"Obviously the closer one gets to one's expected assessment date ,the riskier it gets to rely on these averages."

You are now truly in that Zone Elna.


I am confident that my Math is OK, however  the  most important issue is whether PAC will progress faster or slower than their average. My "forecasts" are simply based on averages .As a betting man I, personally would always go for the longer term average.


On 16 Sept 2017 PAC was on 10 Dec 2014.This is 77 days from your Lodgment date.(25 Feb 2015)

Ave days, Jan to Sept ,to progress one day: 1.87.Therefore they should take 1.87 x 77= 144 days to Assess you.

Therefore You assessment date: 7 Feb 2018

You could be contacted around 7 Dec 2017.


Over some shorter periods we have seen them progress at 1.5 days /per progress day. Therefore  1.5 x 77 =115 days.to Assess you.

Then your Assessment date :9 Jan 2018

You could be contacted around 9 Nov 2017.


Lets hope that they manage to progress even FASTER!!!...and yes, please let there be enough Visas!!



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Thank you so much. Hoping for the best. 


Thanks very much. Will be fun watching and give me something to look forward to. 

It is very very hard here in the waiting room. Water and bread... no dessert or meat. And certainly no tv. So we have to create our own entertainment here. 😅




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The bad news is.... all the public holidays in Dec and the Christmas parties and new years parties and hangovers. 😆 Will slow processing down considerably I should think. 

Lets hope for a sudden spark before the holidays... perhaps my case officer would find it in his/her heart to (in the spirit of the jolly season) take pity on me and give my application a little extra nudge. Hahahaha. 




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  • Mara pinned this topic
17 hours ago, Elna57 said:


The bad news is.... all the public holidays in Dec and the Christmas parties and new years parties and hangovers. 😆 Will slow processing down considerably I should think. 

Lets hope for a sudden spark before the holidays... perhaps my case officer would find it in his/her heart to (in the spirit of the jolly season) take pity on me and give my application a little extra nudge. Hahahaha. 





Your ,tongue in the cheek ?, fears prompted me to take a closer look at that short period last year and....

....Actually ,perhaps there is something  for you to look forward to !!!!:

Somehow ,last year PAC performed extremely  well from 14 Nov 2016 to 15 Dec 2016 ....They took only 1 Calendar day to progress 1 assessment day..!!!They progressed one whole month!!

You may actually fall inside that period this year.!:)

Also to further cheer you up, we know about Orphan's very pleasant experience with his CO who went out of his way to get Orphan to his family for Xmas.


On the other hand as far as the rest of us are concerned.....They closed up and done ZERO for a whole month until  around 9 Jan 2017.

We do however understand and encourage a much needed rest.

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Our experience dealing with Australian government departments is they keep going business as usual until the day before Xmas. They have KPIs on an annual basis so if they’re running behind there will be a flurry of activity in the last month. Then nothing much happens until mid-January. Government public servants are highly qualified (most are graduates), productive, generally honest and ethical and take their jobs very seriously..

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On 9/20/2017 at 6:15 AM, Elna57 said:


The bad news is.... all the public holidays in Dec and the Christmas parties and new years parties and hangovers. 😆 Will slow processing down considerably I should think. 

Lets hope for a sudden spark before the holidays... perhaps my case officer would find it in his/her heart to (in the spirit of the jolly season) take pity on me and give my application a little extra nudge. Hahahaha. 





Very true and all the summer school holidays are over December and January, so a lot of people are off work with kids. 


But on a positive note i am sure less people are applying in December because they are getting ready for Christmas :)

Edited by Marchhawker
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Not as far as I know. The latest was mid December 2014. We are getting there slowly but surely. Good luck mate.

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Just wondering how you guys are?

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@Elna57 very busy thank you!

We’ve had a hectic first few weeks in the Gold Coast, getting used to finding our way, giving attention to the energetic grand children, driving at the speed limits, negotiating the roundabouts, and getting a townhouse to rent, etc.

We stayed with one child for a while, then my brother for a while and now with the other child. Had some drama with the rental agents and the townhouse we got, but that seems to be sorted out now. We plan to move into the townhouse by this weekend and just get by with the bare essentials borrowed from everyone until our container arrives towards the latter part of October. I’ve contacted the moving company here that’s transporting our stuff from the harbour to our home. Their contact details were given to us by our moving company in SA. 

One thing I can tell you all is that things are not as expensive here as everyone says.

We got a decent 370liter fridge freezer for $550 and a 4K 49cm smart TV for $650.

Household kitchen appliances are not expensive and can be bought cheap at places like Target, K-Mart and Big W. We sold all that kind of stuff in SA to get the Australian guaranteed stuff here with the correct plugs on.

One quickly starts to get used to relaxed drivers on the roads and feel absolutely safe wherever you go, quickly forgetting about the stress on the roads and crime in SA.

We received our drivers licences and medicare cards over the post, as well as bank debit cards. The bank cards are the type you just tap on the card machines when paying at the self service counters at most shops (up to $100). Food is not as cheap as in SA but there are always specials everywhere and the variety is sometimes confusing.

Enjoy your last bit of time in SA. It’s going to be better in Aus though!

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Thank you so much for taking time to reply, really appreciate it.

Enjoy every moment! Hope to meet up some day and have a good laugh about how hard it was in the waiting room. All I want for Christmas is a visa or at least a HAP number. 

Keep well mate.


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Thanks so much @Dirkz ...your words are encouraging indeed...

We will be visiting our children/grandchildren Nov'17 to Feb'18 and will definitely be looking into the cost of living...from the cost of a chocolate bar - to that of accommodation.

Both our daughters and their families are in Melbourne....one left taking everything with them , and the other left with 23 boxes of personals...so we have conflicting advise from the girls as "how" to make our move....Decisions decisions....


@Elna57 keep up this informative page...it means a lot to us!!

Hang in there...who knows what Father Christmas has at the bottom of that big red bag for you.....


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@Nannandbaz, if you will be in Melbourne that long.. and you need some time out from the kids and kiddies :D then by all means make contact and you can pay us a visit! We are also older in years!  Put it this way 70 is a lot closer than 60! :o

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Hi Roomies. 

We have sold out house and are very sad because this has been our home for 30 years, but we always knew that this day would come since we bought it as a retirement investment. So now the time has come. 

As I write this, I am listening to the waves crashing on the beach and counting my blessings for having been so priveleged to have lived in this piece of paradise for so many years.

I am hoping to hear from Immi any day now to go for medicals etc. but am considering asking for a HAP number. Do any of you know whether this is possible at all? I wouldn't want to do anything that could slow down our process. It is just so hard having to move into a rental and then receive "the email" the next day.

Any advice buddies?

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