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From a durbanite to a melbourian


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I've recently relocated from Durban to Melbourne, still settling down and getting use to the culture and especially the cold.

I'm an auditor by profession and have been applying for jobs with no success, if anybody has any tips for me on how and where to apply I'd much appreciate it.


Preshen Ragavan

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It can take sometime to find work, some people have found that it can take them up to 6 months or even a bit longer then that.

1. Have you made sure that your CV has been written in an Australian style?

2. How are you applying for your jobs, job sites only or are you calling up and going to compainies ?

3. Are you only applhying for auditor jobs or have you expanded your search into other areas as well ?

4. Considered doing a low paid job like packing shelves etc to at least give you some income ?

There a lot to this, but with the economy in Oz in a bit of a down turn, you need to be creative.

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Hi there,

welcome to Melbourne!

I have sent you a PM.

Hang in there. It takes a while.

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Welcome to Melbourne Preshen

I have heard that a lot of the agencies read your CV by computer (often asking for your CV in Word). So my tip is that if you see a job you fancy then make sure your CV includes some relevant words.

Apply directly to companies that employ people in your line of work.

Also ex-KZN also feeling the cold - but it warms up very soon now.

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Thanks for the warm replies guys and the tips!! Much appreciated, will keep all of you posted on my progress.


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