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New Aus law to introduce two classes of citizenship


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Worth reading. Especially if you hold both South African and Australian citizenship.

My worry is that if think this will only affect terrorists and criminals think again. This could affect anyone of us. For example if you have a tragic car accident and someone dies, you will be charged with a crime. This aspect of Australia has always troubled me - the amount of people charged and found guilty when they have an accident in which someone dies. I can't remember what the criminal charge is but it is something like unwilfully causing the death of a person.

This could happen to anyone of us, accidents happen. But to have your citizenship stripped and your family forced to return to the country of your other passport is terrible, especially after having lived in Aus for 20 years or whatever.

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Well, it might just be the push some people need to make up their minds. But on the other hand, if you are permitted dual citizenship, then you are supposed to be permitted dual full citizenship, not one-and-a-half.
Personally I think it's enough to know that if my children ever wanted to go and live in South Africa they could go through a process and get their citizenship because we were born there. I am certainly going to revoke my South African citizenship once I get my Aussie passport.

But I think it will probably ruffle quite a few feathers this one.

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As the article states, "More and more freedoms are taken away from law abiding citizens due do anti terrorism laws", the terrorists aren't affected but everybody else is.

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Usual baby and the bathwater type thing. I've seen it all before.

The thinking goes like this

  • Something must be done
  • this is something
  • therefore it must be done.

I hate these overbroad laws - I've seen pollies assure people that certain laws will only be used in certain circumstances, but the police still use them wherever they can be applied.

Hate these statist thugs.

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As usual, the powers that be try to use a sledgehammer when a laser is called for. Who was it that said a society that is willing to give up freedom for security deserves neither?

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@Ronfire Always remember politicians react to how people feel.

Why does the ANC put policies in place that drive skilled people to Australia? Because poor blacks want to take their jobs.

Why does Aussie put heavy handed laws to protect from terrorism when our threat of an attack is low? Again, many people support it.

But another thing to consider is in the Paris attacks, it wasn't the well organized terrorist team that was successful. The terrorists were texting each other where to go on the day. They were tracked down quickly by pulling those texts off their phones. That terrorist group was only successful because authorities considered them a lower priority than other terrorist groups who were better organized.

So, I can fully understand why the Aussie government wants to put laws in place that will only scare off the less skilled terrorists. It gives the government the chance to focus on the highly organized groups.

Edited by monsta
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As i have said before, i cant wait to get rid of my RSA citizenship, this just adds one more good reason

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you will find it's the abuse of Australian citizenship which is provoking the Australian government to take harsh measures against irresponsible bums who have dual nationality.


In this current age of handing out Australian citizenship and passports like lollipops to every Tom, Dick & Harry who gets into Australia, it's only a matter of time before the good reputation of holding an Australian passport is tarnished and ruined.


There are currently over one hundred Australian passport holders fighting for Islamic State in Syria.


If any of those were to be connected with the recent Paris terrorist attacks, it doesn't take much to see the French government and other EU countries bringing in visas for Australians visiting France or Europe.


At the moment, Australians can lob up at Heathrow airport and stay in the UK for up to six months, no visa required. The Continent is also an easy holiday destination for up to 90 days, no visa.


This could easily be made impossible with a few Islamic terrorists holding Australian passports launching attacks somewhere in Europe or America in the future.


The Australian government is really tightening up on foreigners taking out Australian citizenship and travelling overseas on Australian passports . . . . and rightly so . . . . for the overall benefit of all of us responsible Australians not to have our travel plans ruined in the future.


Personally, as an Australian passport holder, I like the easy travel arrangements that I enjoy at the moment.


Why would I want to see unnecessary visas and all the costs involved with me wanting to travel overseas in the future, just because a few bums ruin it for all of us?

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Bob, I 100% agree with you!


People seem to forget the pledge they made when they became Australian citizens.  As a citizen, you not only have rights, you also have responsibilities and part of those responsibilities is to uphold the Australian ethos:


From this time forward,
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,
whose democratic beliefs I share,
whose rights and liberties I respect, and
whose laws I will uphold and obey.


Those who choose to support a lifestyle in contradiction with this pledge, are not keeping their end of the bargain, so why should Australia?

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While your patriotism is appealing, you both miss the point of my post, which is exactly why senate was able to pass the law. My point is not to disregard what you say but rather that the lawyers have warned that the way the law is written, it can be used against the exact patriotic citizens you speak of. 





This means that citizenship could be revoked from dual nationals who support something like Nelson Mandela’s fight against apartheid in South Africa, or the independence movement in East Timor.

Attorney-General George Brandis has stated that the bill "only provides for loss of citizenship for dual nationals engaged in or supporting terrorist activities".

Unfortunately, this claim is not borne out by the detail of the law. Citizenship will be stripped from those who engage in hostile activity overseas, including people who travel to take up arms against terrorist organisations such as IS.

The law will also apply to people who have been convicted of nothing more than entering an area declared by the government to be a no-go zone. The person may not have harmed anyone, and indeed may have entered the area against the wishes of the government merely to visit friends or to conduct business.



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Well, I JUSt got approved for citizenship, cant wait to post back the SA doccos. Any advice on the renouncing process is welcome. 

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Surferman, I googled, found the form, downloaded it, printed it off, hubby and I each filled in our forms, my sister took them back to RSA in September and lodged them, guess what!


It is now three months later, but I have heard zilch!

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27 minutes ago, Mara said:

Surferman, I googled, found the form, downloaded it, printed it off, hubby and I each filled in our forms, my sister took them back to RSA in September and lodged them, guess what!


It is now three months later, but I have heard zilch!

That is not encouraging.

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On 12/10/2015 at 7:58 PM, Mara said:

Surferman, I googled, found the form, downloaded it, printed it off, hubby and I each filled in our forms, my sister took them back to RSA in September and lodged them, guess what!


It is now three months later, but I have heard zilch!


You probably still have an outstanding TV license. You not getting away with it that easily :P

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Fortunately for us we left before it became a problem to get things cancelled...

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I really doubt an outstanding TV licence can stop a citizenship renunciation, but it is the 3rd world and I suppose anything is possible.

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PMSL, I am still getting emails from SABC lawyers for a licence I never had. LOL. I am not surprised Mara, it is SA after all and the only thing they are good for is greed and corruption in my view. 

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